Saturday, January 12, 2008

one, two, three ...

I've made an "inventory" of my pictures I've painted in 2007, because then I have the feeling I'm doing something useful *ggg*
I've painted 19 pictures. OK, these are the pictures I've finished. The twentieth one I`ve began before China - it's nearly ready, only some days of work to do. It's not that difficult to paint, but some pictures need time. And it's one of it.
And I didn't mention the 2 or 3 ones I've made for a protest campaign or directly for someone. I only wanted to count the "important" pictures, the series and so on.

I hope I can paint in the near future. I'm beginning to feel impatient, I have some ideas, unfinished pictures, I wanna paint! But I have to wait a little bit. To work with turpentine oil and cadmium yellow for example isn't to good for my conjunctivitis *sighs*


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