Die offensichtlichen Dinge des Lebens
(The obvious things of life)
30 x 30 cm
oil on stretched canvas (linen)
In february my beloved dog died at age 13. I was so sad about it and couldn´t bring myself to much creativity. A long time I wasn´t sure to have a new dog, but in september a puppy came into my life. I couldn´t paint at this time, because he made so much nonsens ;-)
But now I´m back. It´s a small picture and it was nice to paint again. It´s another dream related theme. All nice pink. I don´t like pink that much, but ... uh ... it´s OK in this picture *ggg*
Wow, I love this pic!!! Not only the pink wallpaper, but the door bell nameplate!
:-) Yeah, I did remember these door bells from Cologne. Quite fascinating, all brass and beautiful. So I painted it all by heart. XD
As always the pink looks different on the black background...not sooo very pink *gg*
...and now I know the real reason, why you didn`t post that picture on Inari Kitsune: because you didn`t like pink and orange together. ;-DDD
You did look right through me *rolf* I even don´t like to imagine this combination of colours ... :-OOO Black was the right choice *ggg*
It was totally new for me to paint so much pink. I really had to bring myself to it. Gah.
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