Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Undercoat, base coat, primary coat?

Whatever the right translation is, today I´ve experimented a little bit. I´ve assembled some strecher frame and I had to ground it, of course. My Gesso is nearly empty, so it was a good way to try it.
Yesterday I´ve cooked some animal glue made from little and cute animals. Rabbits f.e. I´ve put it on the linen.  So today I´ve made the undercoat. I´ve found some old prescription. Normally it´s made with white lead, but ... ugh. The base was something similar to egg tempera. And that glue of cute animals. It has looked so yummy and creamy. I´ve used champagne-colored chalk and a little bit of titanium white pigment. Better than toxic lead.
I´m satisfied with the result. It looks good, not to blend white, even and without this little hills I always had with Gesso.

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