oil and egg tempera on stretched canvas (linen)
54 x 35 cm
Some kind of self-centered universe. Almost everyone lives in a comfort zone, where it is cosy, everything well known etc. It´s difficult to leave this zone, because no one knows what to expect. This is like a foreign country with a language you don´t speak. But like someone in this zone sees the things in his own way, so do other people in their self-centered universes as well. It´s an easy way to put other people in some kind of drawers, because "you know everything about him or her, you know what they fancy, what they´re doing, what they´re dreaming". But other people see you the same way. Bad, huh?
So this zone is like a little kingdom with a curtain to shut out the world, but in reality it´s nothing more than a cardbox, that looks a little bit like a puppet theatre.